
活動|2024 亞洲建築新人戰台灣代表選拔賽,徵件中

活動|2024 亞洲建築新人戰台灣代表選拔賽,徵件中


2024 徵件主題:AI無法取代的建築

科技超越人類的理解,對於我們的生活與工作、並對社會帶來革命性變化的時代即將到來。過去人工智慧(AI)的技術進步緩慢,未成為討論的主題。但由於Chat GPT、Google Bard、Bing AI等生成式 AI 出現之後,人們開始對於 AI 進行認真的思考,甚至有它不會取代人類,而是在2025年超越人類的看法。

AI 的進化對於我們的未來會有怎麼樣的影響?隨著未來社會的奇點(Singularity)的出現,未來的建築設計會被 AI 取代嗎?如果有建築設計是 AI 無法取代的,那會是什麼?我們期待看到亞洲學生們多樣化與嶄新想法的作品解答。

TOPIC: What architectural design can AI not replace?

The time is coming when technology will surpass human understanding and bring revolutionary changes to our lives and work and society. In the past, AI was not a subject of serious discussion due to slow technological progress, but after the emergence of generative AI such as Chat GPT, Google Bard, and Bing AI, it seems that we are about to have a serious discussion about AI. It will not replace humans, but rather surpass humans by 2025.

How will the evolution of AI affect our future?Will architectural design be replaced by AI in a future society with the advent of Singularity, or if architecture will be designed that AI cannot replace, what will it be?We expect diverse and innovative idea of works from Asian students.


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